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Private Family Summer Camp

An alternative to vacation rentals, theme parks, and sending the kids to sleep-away camp. Whether creativity is just running through your veins for the free time you cannot find enough of or you lead a creative life in your professional path, this can be an intentional time for you and your family, even multi-generational, with a private summer camp vibe. Reconnect to your own inner child and make special family memories with an excuse to go analog - play games, make art, read or write, and spend time in nature. Instead of sending the kids to sleep-away camp, bring them along for a special, unique experience for each individual and the family as a whole. If you need it, you'll have a private studio space and work time while the kids have customized nature-based, creative private instruction and mentorship intentionally away from the typical distractions of home life and modern society conveniences. This is a great experience for those in the steam fields if you want to explore the ecosystem, make upcycled items like a bird house with the kids, hunt for geodes, watch birds or other wildlife, nature journaling and field guides, watching the clouds, etc. Want them to have a unique experience in nature and in a homestead environment with inspiration and interaction opportunities all around? Book one or two weeks and customize the programming for the kids. This can range from a one time meeting, daily interactions, or a full itinerary where they are deeply engaged in art & nature based projects including graphic design if that's of interest. https://www.campwonderwander.org/familysummercamp

Nightly Rate

  • $200-$300 per night

Family Friendly Lodging Accommodations

  • Air Conditioning
  • Parking Available
  • Free Wifi
  • Microwave
  • Living/Dining Room
  • Outdoor Space

Lodging Type

  • House

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    Private Family Summer Camp

    Private Family Summer Camp

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