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Hello, I'm ChalkTalk.

We believe that if we listen to what teachers are trying to tell us​,​ the best solutions for improving education aren’t the ones that promise to “revolutionize​,​ transform​,​ or disrupt” they’re solutions that provide teachers with the resources and support they need to teach the way they want to teach. After all​,​ technology is a tool. Education is human. At ChalkTalk​,​ we’re helping teachers around the world discover how the most advanced technology in education isn’t one that requires hours of training or upends pedagogy it’s technology that runs behind the scenes​,​ amplifying instruction while nudging students along a path of continual success.

Reviews from customers (1)

  • kj

    Based on my research of this company, It is a great teachers assistant, Great platform, user friendly, Saved teachers so much time and evaluates the student's performance.

    karleneJanuary 2025

Reviews as a customer (0)